Health & Saftey Guidelines

One of the key things that clients look for is safety within the grooming salon. Unfortunately, the grooming or pet-care industry is unregulated throughout the United States. In fact, most states do not require education or a license to groom, therefore lacking in the knowledge on proper handling, skin care or health conditions like anxiety or arthritis. We are tackling this issue by teaming up with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and their S.A.F.E. grooming program ensuring that we meet and exceed all safety, assurance, fundamentals and education in the grooming industry. This is an ongoing process as each staff member will not only undergo a safety course teaching proper handling techniques and common animal illnesses, but also webinars, conferences and continued education courses even after certification. We strive to stay current with industry trends, methods and ideas.

Before your appointment

  • Please make sure you have all your pets vet information.

  • Double check your pet is in feeling well enough to come in.

  • Have pictures ready or the previous groomers notes on how you like your pet maintained.

During your appointment

  • Honesty, Transparency and Trust is Key. Its ok to be nervous or see your pet is nervous. Your in a new shop and they are in a new environment.

  • Feel free to come in early to walk your pet in the fenced in backyard. This will help them learn the different sounds and smells.

  • Tell us EVERYTHING! If Fluffy has fallen recently or you saw a hot spot somewhere LET US KNOW! We need to know if any changes have happened with your pet so that we can adjust to their comfort level or suggest an action to take going forward. When in doubt always seek Veterinarian advice!

  • Timing will NEVER be the same! Some days Fluffy may take 1 hour others it may take 2 1/2 hours. Our schedules will fluctuate. We always make sure you have a time range of when they will be done.

  • SAFETY is our TOP PRIORITY in the shop! We will adjust techniques and tools according to each pet. If we have to take more time because it is a safer option we will. We will also let you know if we see or feel anything out of the ordinary.

  • We DO NOT force any pet to do anything they do not like. Pet grooming should be pleasant and full of trust. Example If fluffy starts GATOR ROLLING cause it doesn’t want a nail grinding we will NOT do it period!

De matting & Brushing Pets

We DO NOT De mat pets here at the doggo den. There is a difference between brushing out knots and tangles in your pets coat (What we can do) from brushing out matting.

Matting on a pet is densely tangled clumps of fur in a pet’s coat. If a coat is NOT properly and/or frequently brushed, loose and live hair become embedded in large masses. Matting can cut off blood supply to extremities and deny regular air circulation. Skin denied fresh air and stimulation from brushing becomes unhealthy. It can turn dark pink or red, and cause open sores which emit foul odors. Matting can be painful to brush out on your pet and can also cause Brush Burn. De Matting takes hours if not days when done properly by a pet professional for the safety and health of the pet.

Because we do not de mat we will give clients 2 options. Option 1 allows clients to take their pets home and spend the next few days working out the matting with brushes, combs and de matting spray. The second option in shaving. Yes thats correct, we will shave any pet thats matted for their well being. We see that most clients that do bring their pets home see and realize how difficult it is to set their pets free of that matting and then understand why we make that decision.

We understand that “not one size fits all” and some may not agree. But we will always make decisions, for the benefit of the health and safety of the pet here at the Doggo Den.